Software Packages |
Below is a short list of custom software packages we have developed for specific industries. If you do not find your industry or would like to mix packages, please inquire within about our custom package that takes features from one or more package combinations to create the ideal website to fit your needs. |
E-Commerce Package |
With our customized e-commerce engine we provide a method for you quickly sell your products to your customers. Our shopping cart is integrated with our administrative tools to provide you with order tracking and visitor notification when orders are shipped or should an order status change. Our shopping cart system allows for each product to be assigned to different store sections or categories and sub-categories for virtually unlimited expansion of your product lines. |
Educational Package |
Created to accommodate educational and non-profit organizations, Educational package is an excellent tool to manage all the needed information and provide services and resources to its users. There are many useful features that will enable your staff to save time and optimize the vast amount work that's required of this very important industry. |
Real Estate Package |
Built with real estate related needs in mind (commercial or residential), the Real Estate package is an option for any size company. This package features a wide range of tools specific to real estate industry needs. Each application has been tested to make it easy to update manage and maintain your organization's website. |
Medical Package |
Medical package is catered towards a number of medical organizations ranging from medical offices & hospitals to audiology clinics & medical supply companies. This package features a wide range of tools specific to medical industry needs. Each application has been tested to make it easy to update manage and maintain your organization's website. |
Pharmaceutical Package |
With our customized e-commerce engine specifically designed for pharmaceutical market, we provide a method for you quickly sell your products to your customers. This package features a number of applications to showcase products and provide users with specific product information. This engine is also customized to be integrated with various product information data-based that always need to be updated. |
Entertainment Package |
Specifically oriented towards music promoters, music artists, radio & tv stations or any other entertainment related business that offers such products and services, the entertainment package is the ideal option. This package features a wide range of tools and applications that have been tested to make it easy to update, manage and maintain all the needed content. |
Social Network Package |
With the rising demand and popularity of social community network websites, we have a custom designed package that will accommodate any genre or demographic of a community you are trying to cater to. The website will be specifically designed and customized to reflect the chosen community, as well as utilize and offer a vast amount of tested applications and tools. |
Social-Business Network Package |
Social Business Networks are targeted and customizable environments built on our proprietary social networking technology that allows for businesses, as well as individuals, to take advantage of social communities, marketing and advertising opportunities that focus on targeted interests, industries and marketplaces. The goal behind SBN is to highlight specific markets and create a network by building a targeted community that offers products and services that are of interest and relevance to its content and its users. |